In May and June, as work rose to street-level and above, construction crews put the finishing touches on the foundations and began to form structures for the first- and second-story levels of the new colleges.
In mid-May, concrete walls outline the foundations of the new colleges. This view of the site is taken from the roof of the Malone Center, looking north.
A worker attends to a foundation wall for North College along Sachem Street. The concrete must be waterproofed before crews backfill the soil.
A worker lays out a rebar grid to support a foundation wall in the South College.
A view looking west across the site reveals the scope of the foundation work. In total, foundations for new colleges have required 34,000 cubic yards of concrete.
In June,crews poured a deep foundation for North College’s West Tower, which will soar 190 feet to become a focal point of the New Haven skyline.
Work begins on first-floor structures. Here, carpenters standing at grade level prepare forms for first-story walls.
Still exposed to the air, the walls and roof of a tunnel beneath Prospect Walk are sheathed in black waterproofing material. Prospect Walk will be a promenade between the new colleges running from Prospect to Canal Streets. The tunnel will connect the basements of north and south colleges, allowing ready access to shared activity spaces.
A view of the site from Prospect Street. Work on the first-floor walls and second-floor slabs progresses rapidly.
By late June, workers are raising first- and even second-floor structures across the site.