In the final stages of construction, Pauli Murray and Benjamin Franklin colleges are rapidly transforming from Yale’s largest work site to a finished part of the campus. Images by Phil Handler.
A view from Sachem Street of the northwest corner of Pauli Murray College. This wing of the college includes a large block of student suites, the head-of-college house, and a large loading bay that will accommodate food services and other deliveries.
On Prospect Street, work progresses on the main gate to Pauli Murray College. Ornamental stone carvings are complete, and the hand-forged steel gate has been installed. New wall sconces and finished sidewalks will complete the gateway.
Patterns of brick and stonework, including granite, limestone, and cast stone, are an important design element, as seen on the south tower of Benjamin Franklin College. Together, the two colleges required over 26,000 pieces of stone.
Landscaping is under way in the large courtyard of Pauli Murray College, as crews install blue stone, lay sod, and plant trees throughout the site.
Measuring over 17,000 square feet, the large courtyard in Benjamin Franklin College echoes familiar spaces in Yale’s existing colleges.
A custom-made gate with a motif of loops and whorls opens from Prospect Street into a courtyard in Benjamin Franklin College.
Crews are installing furniture and accessories, such as in this common room, in finished student suites.
A shared student room awaits the arrival of students in August. The colleges also feature seventy-seven single rooms.
In the Benjamin Franklin College library, workers have installed lighting fixtures to illuminate the built-in shelving units. On the back wall, the signature eyehole window, measuring eight feet in diameter, looks down upon the dining hall.
Construction of the two colleges has proceeded in phases moving from the east edge of the site to the west. The Pauli Murray College dining hall, the last major space needing work, is on schedule for completion this summer.